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Is app overload slowing down your team?

Is your team drowning in the sea of apps, desperately trying to stay afloat amid the constant barrage of emails and digital tools? It’s like a never-ending battle where your inbox is the cunning mastermind orchestrating a rebellion against your productivity. Surprisingly, despite the myriad of fancy apps and chat services at our fingertips, a staggering 80% of our communications are still clinging to the age-old email. It’s like trying to use a carrier pigeon…

You’ve heard of Copilot… but what is it?

What if we told you your business could have its own personal assistant that’s always ready to help, can answer virtually any question, and even change system settings on your devices? It might sound too good to be true, but thanks to Microsoft’s innovative new AI chatbot, Copilot, it’s a reality. Imagine this: You’re busy. Your day is packed with meetings, and you need to quickly find information or change a setting on your device….