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3 things your business must look for in a password manager

3 things your business must look for in a password manager

Password managers are amazing.

These clever applications make good security easy for you and your team.

They generate long random passwords for each bit of software you use, so you’re never tempted to reuse a password.

Then, they remember all these passwords for you, and even autofill logins.

You only have to remember one thing… your master password. What a relief.

Before you pick a password manager for your business, there are three things you must make sure it has.

First it must be protected by end to end encryption. This means even if your data is intercepted, no one can read it.

Next, make sure the manager works across all applications and browsers on all devices.

And finally, make sure you retain central control over your business’s password manager. If a member of your team leaves, you can immediately remove their access to all your systems – at the push of a button.

Want to know which password manager we recommend for businesses? Get in touch.



Everything you need to know about password managers for your business

If you’re confused about password managers, you’re not alone.

A password manager is software that generates safe passwords, remembers them, and autofills logins for you.

That saves time. But means your business can quickly lock out staff when they leave.

Some people say they’re the best thing ever. Others are more negative.

We believe they’re a very useful business tool if you pick the right one. So we’ve created this new guide with the full lowdown on password managers for business.


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