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Is working from home really good for your business?

Working from home. Or remote working, as it’s now called. It’s the big thing in business, isn’t it? And some people love it. They’re happier working where they want, and when they want. And that makes them more productive and less likely to leave. But have you stopped to consider the downside to remote working? The negative elements for your business and your people? While many employees are happy to work from home using video…

Behind the hack: This is how easily your business can be hacked

Watch as a certified ethical hacker breaks into 3 computers in just minutes One of the greatest risks to your business these days is hackers trying to break into your IT systems. Thanks to automated tools, all businesses are being targeted by all hackers, all the time. They want to steal your data, your logins – or worse, hold your data to ransom. We asked a certified ethical hacker to break into three computers using…

If any of your staff work remotely, you need to be on top of this

Remote and hybrid working is now the norm for a lot of people. But a recent survey has found that, despite it being more than two years since many of us were forced to work from home, too many businesses still don’t have the right cyber security measures in place for those away from the office. The survey was originally intended to learn about spending plans from now into next year. However, the results highlighted…

Some employees won’t stop using apps that could be a security risk

It’s likely a lot of the applications and software tools you’re using now are different from the ones your business used before the pandemic. That’s because we’ve all had to make big adjustments to the way we communicate and collaborate. And to begin with, it may have been hit and miss. It’s possible in the first few weeks and months that your employees had to use whatever tools they had available to them. Now that…

Microsoft’s taking a responsible leadership position on AI

Microsoft’s decided to retire and rework an AI tool that could not only recognise our facial features, but also identify our mood. Azure Face is an emotion recognition tool. These are highly criticised by experts who believe they violate human rights. Microsoft has just published the updated version of its Responsible AI Standard. It wants AI to be a positive force in the world, and says it recognised Azure Face has the potential to be…